Our Service
Our service will offer the dental access that you want to provide for your patients and help ensure that you are meeting CQC and NHS England standards.
A dentist and dental nurse visit with portable dental equipment capable of carrying out a wide range of the treatment available in a dental practice, including fillings, some extractions and hygiene treatments. Portable digital x-ray is used to help diagnosis of dental issues.
Your clinic room/primary care room can be used for dental sessions – however, if such a location is not available our minimum requirements are a power supply and access to a water supply. Where possible, disposable instruments are used in the interest of keeping cross-infection risks to a minimum.
We will work with you to determine the frequency of dental sessions which suits your needs and the level of service required. This can range from a simple screening service to full dental clinics, depending on your care objectives. Our service will also complement your health promotion and smoking cessation activities, ensuring that you are meeting all your obligations to the patients in your care. As part of your healthcare team our service does not end when the dentist and nurse leave at the end of a clinic - we aim to maintain strong lines of communication, are available for telephone triage and advice and will arrange referrals for patients who need treatment outside the scope of the service. We will also attend for regular review meetings to ensure that the service is operating as well as possible, to exchange information and iron out any issues before they can gain any traction.
You will be able to measure the results of introducing your dental service on many levels. We can help to provide you with the data you need to report on meeting targets and experience has shown that patients respond enthusiastically to the service - it can make a significant contribution to self-esteem and well-being, illustrating the success of a holistic approach to care, recovery or rehabilitation.